Celebration and rememberance. Please come and help me celebrate the creation of Ambre's Bridge counseling and consulting. For those of you who do not know, I have opened up my private practice in honor of my sister Ambre Lee Grovhoug. Her life and her journey gave to me an understanding of the needs within our community and so many others around us; including ourselves. The ultimate mission of my practice is to bridge the gaps between the brain and body, individuals and societal resources, and policy and the implementation of those policies so that they actually meet the needs of those they are created for. April 30th is my sister's birthday. We chose this date to celebrate her and celebrate this continual fight to create change in our community and ultimately in our world. I am an LCSW and seeking to change the world by being the change I wish to see. Please come and celebrate with me I will have beverages and hors d'oeuvres. I will also be unveiling the piece of art I had commissioned specifically for Ambre's Bridge by Aaron Hazel. I look forward to seeing you all and sharing this part of my journey with you.